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Generating Category Reports

First time user on Expense module.

Our Finance dept requires a monthly report that would show the amount incurred for each different categories. Previously in eForms, we could extract a report that has a tabulation of all the Expense types in 1 page.

In the new Expense module, I am unable to generate such a report. Instead I have to generate each expense category individually. So if I have 6 categories, I end up going through the process 6 times and have 6 different files to forward to Finance who may then print 6 sheets of paper.

As compared to what used to be where I generate just once, 1 file to forward and 1 sheet to print by Finance.

Can we have the flexibility to call for All categories and have it generated as 1 table (like eForm) as well as be able to call for specific categories?

I have attached a screenshot of the old eForm report that tabulates all Expense Types into 1 table. This would be helpful.

Thank you

  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2021
  • Attach files