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Verification Officer Role & Approval Workflow

  1. An option for Verification Officer role (VO) under Expenses/Benefit workflow approval. The VO should only be for verification and not approval. This role can come before or after Approving Officers (AO). If we were to have this role comes in before the approver, we can also add the function of rejecting claims with a comment/remark to inform submitter of the reason for rejection. The submitter can then amend accordingly to the comment and resubmit the claims.

  2. Allow superadmin to overwrite approval workflow. Example, if the 1st approver is unavailable to approve or reject the claims due to some circumstances such as sudden hospitalization, Superadmin can come in with the authority to route the submitted claims straight to 2nd approver instead.

  • Guest
  • Jan 9 2024
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  • Admin
    JustLogin Ideas commented
    March 21, 2024 13:21

    Hi, thank you for your suggestion. Please find our feedback below:

    1. We will monitor such request from our other clients in order to understand the market needs for this feature.

    2. We have a feature - "All Companies Tab" in our system. You will be able to override the approval workflow.

    Please reach out to [email protected] if you need further clarification.