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Create JustPeople Module

Can we have a JustPeople module instead of having this information nested under My Profile? To be consistent with the rest of the modules. It's more intuitive and easier for employees to find their information.

  • Evelyn Goh
  • Jan 21 2021
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    JustLogin Ideas commented
    March 19, 2021 08:36

    Hi Evelyn,

    Awesome! We will update you when People module beta programme is ready to launch. Thank you!

  • Evelyn Goh commented
    February 22, 2021 09:45

    Sure, you can include me as one of your beta users.


  • Admin
    JustLogin Ideas commented
    February 22, 2021 08:58

    Hi Evelyn,

    Thank you for your idea. Our People module is planned to be released in Q2 2021.

    Would you be interested to be one of our Beta users when the module is launched?