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SuperAdmin to give UserAdmin rights to other administrator user

Currently for security purposes, the UserAdmin access is only accessible by SuperAdmin to update information in it. However, this may cause inconvenience to other employees who are also managing Justlogin as they need to keep going back to their Superior (who usually holds the SuperAdmin) and seek their help in updating certain information for employees' data.

(This is just 1 example, there are other examples as well) An example would be, changing of employee's profile picture could be done simply by normal admin user, why do we need to go through the hassle of asking our Manager or Senior Manager to do it? This is not only a waste of time for both the SuperAdmin and normal Admin user, it is not productive as well.

We hope Justlogin will look into it and reconsider the idea stated above. Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Aug 16 2024
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