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Disallow staff to take block leave across the months or compute your leave based on month even if staff take leave continuously across the month

We generate monthly leave reports but because your system will lump block leave taken across the months as total no. of leave eg. 29 Apr - 3 May = 4 days, it does not give me the april leave as 2 days and May leave as 2 days but will lump everything together. Hence, an easier way is to prevent staff from applying for block leave across the month or at least to provide me with an admin button to turn it off so that we don't have errors in the month end leave computation. So if staff need to take leave as above, they will do it twice, once for 29-30 Apr, and another time for 1-3 May. Its not alot of effort on their part. they only need to do max 2 times

  • Guest
  • May 16 2024
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