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Enhance selection capability for "Pay Elements Yearly Rpt" (17a - Would be an AWESOME rpt, if only... )

Current selection criteria is only by the year.

If further enhanced to allow selection by dept/all depts, followed by choice to select different employees (just like Rpt 14), it would be AWESOME!

For an organisation to have access to reports for a yearly overview/analysis of manpower costs/investment by dept as well as to even have the choice to select by employees will be beneficial.

Rpt 17a has the potential but lacks the "PUNCH" !

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  • Mar 31 2020
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    JustLogin Ideas commented
    19 Mar, 2021 07:49am

    Hi Cheng,
    Thank you for your suggestion and we will consider to include this feature in our Product Roadmap planning.

    We will update you again when our team has a concrete timeline on the launch of this feature. Thank you!