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Enhance Customised Report #19

Your option #19 allows us to customised reports but it could be enhanced -

  1. After we preview the customised report, allow us to go back and do adjustments such as the sequence from where we left off.

Currently - when we go back to refine our sequence, the Year has gone to current year (not the year we are setting) and the sequence is jumbled and we have to re arrange it all over again.

2. Allow us to save our customised reports by creating a Report Name as we may need it again or re-adapt it for other needs.

Thank you

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  • Sep 23 2021
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    JustLogin Ideas commented
    29 Nov, 2021 02:23am

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your suggestion and we will consider to include this enhancement in our Product Roadmap planning. We will update you again when our team has a concrete timeline on the launch. Thank you!