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China Public Holiday and Sunday Declared as Working day

In China there are times where it they declare Sunday as a working day in view of the National Day Holidays as they tend to declare a week’s holidays. However for actual implementation and announcement this is done near the end of the year.
Leave applications need to be accounted for Sundays declared as working day
  • Guest
  • Oct 4 2019
  • Already exists
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    • Maria Dunn commented
      April 23, 2024 06:12

      We are facing the same problem, and our staff reported that they cannot apply the leave on those Sat and Sun which are declared as working day, even we already set those days as working day in our Roster schedule.

    • Admin
      JustLogin Ideas commented
      October 04, 2019 16:14
      I am sorry you are not aware that this feature is available. If the company country is set as China, you should see this under leave set up. Please contact our support for assistance if you need help.